Welcome to our web site!
Vijayagopal K
also known as Dr.K.B.Gopalam has taken up soft skill training
a few years back and has made a name for himself in the field. Mind you he is a writer, communicator, broadcaster of repute.
On many occasions when the training is conducted, trainees have asked for a place where they can come back for continuation
of the learning from Vijayagopal, not necessarily in the regular sessions conducted either by the companies or the trainer
himself. Even Vijayagopal feels that he should keep in touch with the trainees and be available to them for consultation and
continued lairing. There was some information on his site about training , but it was getting lost among all the other activities
and creative material that was put up there.
Hence now a separate site is being built exclusively for the training . Here you will get information about the trainings
available with Vijayagopal nad the details thereof. Information will be bulletined about the forth coming events of trainings.
This is for the individuals. and the companies can plan for their trainings based on the information available and also can
request for custom designed trainings
Vijayagopal is known for helping companies with training need analysis and designing the sessions according to the specific
needs of the group. Even among the subjects readily available, whenever companies ask for a particular subject, Vijayagopal
studies the company and delivers the training as an insider of the company and not as a one time guest.
The trainings done at Andhra Mahila Sabha for the school teachers was a recent case where the customer expressed
an open appreciation about the entire design. It was an exercise of training the trainers for further dissemination of the
skills. Teachers, highly talented and chosen from all the districts wer etrained in all the other skills by experts and Vijayagopal
was in charge of motivating the trainees and giving them skills about not just learning but imparting the training further
to their peers.
Corporate sector has benefited by the trainings imparted by Vijayagopal immensely and the endorsements are plenty. Many
companies like Rane group etc. have asked him to design programmes according to their need. This is now being done.