An organization is a human group constituted for certain specified objectives. The achievement of these objectives largely
depends upon the fact that human efforts are properly coordinated and integrated. Thus, individuals in the organization performing
different activities are functionally interrelated. The working and maintaining of these relationships is possible through communication, which
provides for exchange of information, sharing of ideas. Communication, then,
becomes a necessary element in human relationships by providing the foundation for human interaction. Further, it also performs the energizing function in the organization by transmitting information, facts, feelings and ideas thereby making coordinate efforts possible. It allows reviews and
feed back of the situation as and when required. Communication can, as such, be regarded as basic to the functioning of the organization. In its absence, organization
would cease to exist.
Communication Defined
v Communication can be defined
as: Exchange of Ideas, Information and Feelings
v Communication involves a
Sender and Receiver
v Communication can be between
more than two people
v Communication constitutes
of Verbal and Non Verbal Communication
v Communication is both Written
and Oral
v Communication involves both
Speaking and Listening
The Purpose of Communication
1. Develop plans for their achievement,
2. Organize human and other resources
in the most effective and efficient way,
3. Select, Develop, and Appraise
members of the organization,
4. Lead, Direct, Motivate, and Create
the climate in which people want to contribute, and
5. Control Performance.
Clarity about Communication
Before discussing how the communication process works, let’s examine seven myths about communication
(i) We communicate only when
we want to communicate. This is not true.
We communicate all day, everyday, often without realizing it.
(ii) Words mean the same to both the
speaker and the listener. Words hold different meanings for different people,
based on their various experiences, perceptions, and biases.
(iii) We communicate chiefly with words.
In reality, most communication is nonverbal.
(iv) Nonverbal
communication is silent communication. Some people believe that all nonverbal
communication can be seen but not heard. This is not true, because we can hear
laughter, weeping, or the tone of voice in which something is said. If you hear
co-workers whistling as they go about their jobs, you naturally assume that they are having good days.
(v) Communication is a one-way street between
an active speaker and a passive listener. This myth assumes that all speakers
talk to listeners rather than with them. In reality, communication is better
when both parties participate actively.
(vi) The message
we communicate is the message that the listener receives. People often assume
that others receive their messages exactly as they intended them.
(vii) There is no
such thing as too much information. Both too little and too much information
can be bad. Few employees need to know every little detail about an assignment,
and a manager can easily overload an employee with needless information.