The Communication Flow in the Organization
In an effective organization, communication
flows in various directions: downward, upward, and crosswise.
Downward communication
Downward communication flows from people at higher levels to those at lower levels in the organizational hierarchy.
This kind of communication exists especially in organizations with an authoritarian atmosphere. The kinds of media used for downward oral communication include instructions, speeches, meetings, the telephone,
loudspeakers, and even the grapevine. Examples of written downward communication
are memoranda, letters, handbooks, pamphlets, policy statements, procedures, and electronic news displays. It is done to pass
on the decisions and policies of the company to the cadres. Worst is the feedback about their work. This performance assesment
is the trickiest part of downward communication.
The skill needed here is to never to be harsh. You have no business if you give up under the weight of the argument.
In downward communicaton the last laugh should always be yours. that happens when you are empathetic and friendly with your
Upward communication:
Upward communication travels from subordinates to superiors and continues up the organizational hierarchy.
Some tips to help you communicate better with your boss include the following:
Be sure your message is important; your boss’s time is limited.
Ø Be sure the information is accurate and complete
Ø Be brief.
Ø Communicate both good and bad news
Ø Communicate regularly
Ø When you present a problem, suggest potential solution.
Ø Make an agenda; some bosses appreciate receiving a list of topics you will discuss in advance so that
they, too, can be prepared
Ø Be sure your timing is right; trying to present information to your boss at wrong time can derail
the communication process.
Ø Establish clear objective; know in advance what you want to accomplish during your talk with your
Ø Don’t go over your boss’s head unless it is absolutely necessary.
Lateral or Horizontal communication:
Crosswise communication includes the horizontal flow of information, among people on the same or similar organizational
levels, and the diagonal flow, among persons at different levels who have no direct reporting relationships.
Tips that can help you develop better lateral communication skills include the following:
Ø Get to know as many people in the organization as you
Ø View peer communication as a chance to establish relationships that work for both parties.
Ø Share information; nobody wants to talk to someone who doesn’t share in return.
Ø Constantly look for overlapping areas of responsibility or interests that might help improve your
interaction with other managers.
Ø Give sincere and positive feedback when asked.
Ø When appropriate, offer your help.