My Telugu Articles
These following are some articles published in leading Telugu periodicals. They are in the form of musings on various
subjects. Please read them. If you like them tell other friends and also drop a line to me. Click on the links to read the
Dhanapati Sakhudai
On the art of begging and giving alms to the right kind of people.
Pun on the Telugu word "Pannu" and some ideas in lighter vein.
Palle - Paata
On singing, particularly on a typical day in a village.
On the art of discussion, argument and convincing.
Is patience good in all the situations? Read my ideas!
Me among the trees around! "Is all that meant for us?", is the title of the article!
On the critical distance one should keep from things, including the self, to be able to see
them in thier enitirity. This is my philosophy of life!!
On dreaming and realising those dreams!
We with the others!